After working in Camanchaj on Monday and Tuesday Heather and I took Wednesday off to celebrate her 3rd anniversary of living in Guatemala. I am blessed to have a roommate who has become a great friend. It is also nice that she has been here for so long. She absolutely gets her share of silly questions about living in Guatemala from me. We decided to take a pick up truck to both Santa Catarina and San Antonio Palopo which are 2 other villages around the lake. I had never done the pickup truck before. The pickup trucks have an open cage in the back that you can hold onto. For one leg of the trip we got to sit in the back because there were only about 8 of us, but for the rest of the time we had to stand up and hold on. I'm glad we had both the cage to hang onto and the 20 other people sitting/standing in the back or we would have flow out every time we flew around the curves around the lake.
After the factory we walked around the lake admiring how beautiful everything was. Heather and I were both taking pictures. I had stopped to take a picture of a little old man with the volcano in the background and when I caught back up with her she was being yelled at by this little old lady. I had no idea what she was yelling, but when I walked by her she hissed at me and looked like she was going to attack. I asked Heather what the heck was going on and she explained that she had been caught taking a picture of her and now she was cussing at her for it. I laughed so hard. I had never seen anyone react like that and poor Heather was mortified. Thankfully we got away from the lady and both died laughing.
Further down the road we discovered a hotel that had a beautiful terrance that we stopped at and rested for awhile before heading back to the pickup truck.
That night it was pouring, so Heather and I called a tuktuk to come pick us up and we went to Hotel del Sol for dinner. It is a Japanese restaurant in the bottom of a hotel which is one of my favorites to go to. I love that this time around I already have favorite places that I know about. I don't have to spend all my days off walking around lost finding out where to go. Makes it easier for sure.
Yesterday I had breakfast with Wayne to go over some last minute details about the team that is coming tomorrow. It is a dental/construction team from Dunwoody UMC. Jose and I are both hosting the team because they are going to split up. Half of the group will set up dental clinics in villages around Pana everyday and half will work construction in Camanchaj at our clinic. I will be with the dental team while Jose works with the construction half. I am eager to spend the whole week with them, but I am also comforted that Jose will be around in the mornings and at night to again answer all my questions.
Yesterday was also fun because in the afternoon I met Kasia and Lungi at the coffee shop and helped roast coffee. Their dad is backpacking around Japan right now, so Kasia is having to roast more often now by herself, so I thought I would help out. I decided that the best way for me to help out was to take pictures, ask silly questions (apparently it's my new theme down here) and sit on the huge strangely comfortable coffee bags and chat while she does the roasting. It was really neat to see all the different steps and learn a little about roasting. Here is a picture of Kasia and Lungi before we started roasting. I love both of these girls a lot. I honestly don't know what I would do without their friendship. I knew it was going to be really hard for me to transition from working at the church and hanging out laughing with youth everyday to being down here by myself. These girls make it easier. I appreciate each of them and their laughter and love.
Adele came back to check on us and got into the picture action. She is simply amazing as well. Every time I see her she gives me a huge hug and is always so welcoming. Such a beautiful family to be able to share this adventure of mine with. They really have become my second family down here who I know I can always turn to.
This morning I had my first Skype Spanish lesson. Guatemala Tours which is the company that we hire our drivers and translators through when we have team here offered me free Spanish lessons. I think it is because they need to be able to talk to me about teams and now I have Jose call them whenever I need anything booked. For whatever reason they are doing this I am beyond grateful. I was really nervous at first not knowing what to expect, but the lady who I am working with is great. Her name is Silvia and she laughs with me and calls me sweetheart all the time. Today she asked how old I was and when I said 26 she seemed shocked. She thought I was 21. It may have been the pigtails I had my hair in, or maybe it is because when I don't know something (which lets face it with Spanish is often) I just laugh. She is really patient and I am actually looking forward to our next lesson tomorrow morning. Probably by tomorrow I should be fluent. :)
Tomorrow afternoon the Dunwoody team is going to be arriving in Pana. Jose will meet them at the airport then when they get to town I will be waiting at their hotel. I am both excited and nervous to spend the whole week with them. Hopefully I will do great and not come away from this week with any hesitation about being here. We'll see... Who knows. Tonight Heather and I are having a movie night with Dave. I think he is bringing over the movie Blue Like Jazz, so that will be interesting to watch. If you find yourself in need of things to pray about this coming week please pray that I do a good job with this team. I will be at the sites each day by myself which I have never done before. I truly hope I am able to handle this. Otherwise this is going to be a pretty tough year. :)
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