Wednesday, March 20, 2013

MDUMC team (YAY), Amoebas, and how my leg modeling days are officially over.

4 little updates for you...

1. The MDUMC team was here last week and I could not have been happier! I will write a much longer blog about it with photos hopefully this weekend when I have time to upload them. Let me just say quickly that having my family here again along with peeps I worked with at the clinic and all sorts of college folks who I love and miss tremendously was such a blessing! It means the world to me that they wanted to spend their Spring Break visiting me down here and experiencing what my life is like here. I will have many more pictures in my next blog, but here is one my favorites from the week!

Here is my family with Nehemias' family. He is one of our students at in our school who has Cerebral Palsy who is clearly a favorite. Our whole team went to visit his home, and someone suggested that my entire family take a picture with his. Could not be more thankful for that suggestion. This picture makes me realize how incredibly blessed I am to have such a supportive and amazing family back home.

2. PARKER AND I ARE GOING TO SOUTH AMERICA!!! Last week my brother and I decided that Summer 2014 we are going to spend 2 months backpacking around South America together. I originally suggested "dos anos" to which he suggested 2 months was more realistic. :) Then when we told our parents our plans they said that maybe they would fly down to visit for a week since it will be their 35th wedding anniversary. How fun would that be?? Us Craggs have turned out to be great travel buddies. Could not be more excited to start planning the trip with Parker!

3. Amoebas. Yay. I have been feeling really run down the last couple of weeks then went through about a week and a half period of time where I constantly was getting sick. I finally did some blood work at the clinic on Monday (have I mentioned how nice it is to work at a clinic sometime??) which came back saying that overall I was pretty healthy, but had a case of Amoebas which is taking me a long time to get over. I am now taking about 6 different meds, and should be better in a couple of weeks. Cheryl told me that I wasn't allowed to work for the next 2 weeks which is perfect since the clinic is closed next week for Semana Santa then I don't have a team the following week. However, after that I have 2 more weeks on with teams. We'll see how that goes. 

4. Sad news everyone! I have officially declared that my possible leg modeling days are over. My good leg (you know the one that wasn't broken in multiple places 3 years ago, and which now has 18 pieces of metal in it) is now out as well. In the past 2 months it really has gone down hill. Between the turkey bite and the ribarb gash a few weeks ago that are both going to scar, and the scab I have going on from attempting to hold my brother like a baby last week (isn't possible I found out and just leads to us falling on each other) it wasn't looking good. Then this week I have cut it twice more with ribarb and have 13 possible spider bites which appeared yesterday. One of the translators looked at it today and just laughed and told me that I was probably going to die in Guatemala, or you know at least loose a leg. My dad has told me since my broken leg a few years ago which left a 6 inch scar after surgery that my leg modeling days were over, but I still held out hope. Now I can officially say that when my donations run out and I have to move back to the States I will have to look for other options. Sadness. 

Ok... Off to bed. It started raining today at the clinic while we were working outside. This week we have 2 college teams in country, and I am working with the one from Rutger's University who are serving at our clinic along with 6 who are participating in our Amiga's training in Lemoa. I will write more about their team in my next blog as well. Night blog world!

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