Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Post

Oh man I know this is the day you have all been waiting for. The announcement that I will be keeping a daily (maybe but let's face it probably not) blog while I start this new adventure is probably the best news you have heard in years!! And yes I am kidding... or just think extremely highly of myself. Actually I will be pretty impressed if more than 10 people keep up with this blog. I would bet money that my mom and grandfather will check it daily (again sorry there may not always be something new every day) and that my dad will look at it every once in awhile just to make sure I'm still alive. Other than that I'm not too sure who will look at this.

But to whoever you are who is reading this I'm happy that through this blog you will be going on this journey to Guatemala with me. Hopefully this blog will be a fun way to write down stories and share photos and videos of everything I am experiencing in Guatemala. I promise that some days I will be through the roof excited about living in Guatemala and others you will probably be able to tell that I am sad and extremely homesick as I type. (I'm an emotional person... whatever.)

Either way I hope you enjoy. :)


  1. I guess since I just got this that it means that you are still alive. I am glad. love ya, dad

  2. signing up. excited for you. i was hoping for an invitation to journey to G with you.

    um, gold star, please.
